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mardi 7 juin 2011

Knowledge Sharing for Development e-learning module now online

Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK)  e-learning module entitled:

Knowledge Sharing for Development

IMARK is being spearheaded by FAO in collaboration with over 30 partner and contributing organizations
June 2011

It is free and it only takes a few minutes to register. People with limited bandwidth can order a free CD version.
The module was developed to provide organizations and communities with the necessary tools and methodologies required to develop their knowledge capacities, and enable them to work more effectively.


Unit 1 - What is Knowledge Sharing and Why is it Important: This unit describes what Knowledge Sharing and related concepts are, and highlights the benefits and opportunities offered by KS to improve work groups and collaboration.

Unit 2 - Putting Knowledge Sharing to Work: This unit describes the social dynamics and facilitation options for building trust and supporting participation.It also presents a range of possibilities for creating content collaboratively, and the related issues around intellectual property rights (IPR). This Unit also gives a panoramic of the possibilities for internet-based communication and knowledge sharing.

Unit 3 - Making the most of Communities and Networks: This unit illustrates the potential to improve Knowledge Sharing and Learning through networks and communities,and explains key dynamics between networks and institutions.

Unit 4 - Establishing Knowledge Sharing in Your Organization: This unit provides guidance on how to design and implement a strategy to identify key knowledge assets, flows and gaps; it describes how KS can be strategically approached within organizations and how to raise awareness of and promote KS in an organization; This unit also describes how IT environments support KS and explains how to articulate the rationale for evaluating KS efforts and to initiate a KS evaluation process.

Unit 5 - Knowledge Sharing Methodologies: This unit illustrates how to build Knowledge Sharing and learning strategies and frameworks, by describing a variety of methodologies for supporting KS and learning, and identifying the methodologies which best suit various contexts.

Unit 6 - Tools and Services to Support Virtual Collaboration: This unit illustrates a wide range of social media tools and describes how they can be used strategically to more effectively collaborate and exchange knowledge.

Unit 7 - Facilitating Virtual Collaboration and Interaction: This unit provides guidelines on how to facilitate an online community and introduces the basic concepts of facilitation,compares traditional and online facilitation, and illustrates a wide range of facilitation tasks and techniques.

Unit 8 - Field-based Knowledge Sharing and Learning Methods: This unit describes a range of field-based methods and tools for supporting KS and learning, identifies the methodologies which best suit various contexts, and explains how to design and create digital products from field information and knowledge.

The total curriculum consists of 36 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 120 minutes duration,
grouped into eight units, for a total of about 30 hours of self-paced instruction.

How to Access the e-Learning Module:

1. Register on-line at: www.imarkgroup.org
2. Log-in with your User Name and Password. This will take you to the “MY IMARK” page.
3. Choose a module by clicking the "+ Select New Module" button.

1. Go to the Modules page: www.imarkgroup.org/modulelist_en.asp
2. Click “Request a free copy” of a specific module and complete the form.

The Module curriculum was designed and developed by experts and institutions from an internationally widespread community.

The e-learning module is part of the Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) and has been developed by FAO in collaboration with the Joint Donors’ Competence Development Network (Train4Dev).
Joint Donors' Competence Development Network (Train4Dev)

Train4Dev partners that have contributed directly to the module are:
EuropeAid Development and Co-operation Directorate-General
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

The Swiss Association for International Cooperation (Helvetas) has provided technical guidance for the module.
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